Thursday, December 23, 2010


OH for modern technology. Last night I spoke for over an hour on Skype  with my dear friend who is travelling  Europe for 12 months. How wonderful to be able to actually  SEE her laugh,  cry , pull funny faces as she  tells tales of her travels .. Just as if she was sitting here with me.. She is at a "safe house" for Xmas and New Year ,her brother lives in England and she has gone to be with  her family for Xmas and to take stock and plan her next adventure.... Of course, we have either had 33 degrees heat or rain.,rain and more rain, while she freezes in -12 degrees and snow falling outside.  All the world looks like a page from a fairytale when it is blanketed by snow and I am sure, as a Aussie, she feels likes just that ( living in a fairyland) Having said that. no one wants to actually have to go to work or pick up kids from school in that sort of weather.  We are all guilty of thinking " how nice"  without  thinking how hard  it is to cope on a daily basis with all the ice and sludge and melting snow.   Once again. I applaud her for her bravery embarking on such a journey but I know she is accepting of all the changes it is bringing her and the self discovery that comes from going "solo". . Take care and have a very Merry Xmas Jude and may the angels watch over you............................

1 comment:

  1. It is so lovely to read all your blogs my dear and feel your life thru your eyes and words. you are a women of adventure and love and passion and it is lovely to be part of your life. love to you cu again soon x
