Thursday, December 23, 2010


 Yesterday I spent a wonderful afternoon and evening with my closest friend who now lives in Dubai. She is also home to visit family and spend Xmas with her children and grandchildren.  We took a short drive to Noosa and lunched and shopped and chatted and tried to fill in the months since we last had time together.  It is amazing how we pick up our lives and just go on as if the last 18months didn;t happen... It has been that long since I last saw my friend , yet, after a few hours, it seems like yesterday. The gaps are filled in and you settle into that comfort zone that one gets when  spending time with people we love.  Xmas time is a wonderful excuse to socialise and spend time.(something we don't always make time for )with our friends . Two nights ago I had 8 close friends over for Christmas drinks and light supper ,we sat around the lounge room and ate on our lap and drank and laughed and had a lovely time. I am grateful for these moments and the friendships I have forged with these guests and  it makes me realise how lucky  I am. From Boxing Day onwards for 3 weeks I am very  busy with my work so I have enjoyed the time to relax and enjoy   their company. . Today is Christmas Eve and I am supposed to be cooking, so I wish you all a Very Merry Xmas and may we all find peace in the New Year...................MERRY XMAS.............


OH for modern technology. Last night I spoke for over an hour on Skype  with my dear friend who is travelling  Europe for 12 months. How wonderful to be able to actually  SEE her laugh,  cry , pull funny faces as she  tells tales of her travels .. Just as if she was sitting here with me.. She is at a "safe house" for Xmas and New Year ,her brother lives in England and she has gone to be with  her family for Xmas and to take stock and plan her next adventure.... Of course, we have either had 33 degrees heat or rain.,rain and more rain, while she freezes in -12 degrees and snow falling outside.  All the world looks like a page from a fairytale when it is blanketed by snow and I am sure, as a Aussie, she feels likes just that ( living in a fairyland) Having said that. no one wants to actually have to go to work or pick up kids from school in that sort of weather.  We are all guilty of thinking " how nice"  without  thinking how hard  it is to cope on a daily basis with all the ice and sludge and melting snow.   Once again. I applaud her for her bravery embarking on such a journey but I know she is accepting of all the changes it is bringing her and the self discovery that comes from going "solo". . Take care and have a very Merry Xmas Jude and may the angels watch over you............................


Today I had my 2 little monkeys to watch over while Mum went to pick up Xmas presents (away from prying eyes.) and as usual they had to 1st ,a swim in the pool then a "treat" . This is usually in the form of  a mueslie bar which is OK I guess, at least better than chocolate..??  They like to perch up on the window sill and chatter away while they eat their" Treat" and watch out over the canal.  Life is so simple and innocent for them and everything is an adventure.  Next Morpheus  ( my small dog) gets to go for a long walk and explore the bush along the walking tracks. I work evenings, so never get to have them for a "sleep-over" but I cherish these little adventures we have , because like everyone., we forget how quick they grow up and these moments are lost forever. . I hope these small interludes leave a memory for them also to think back on when they are all grown up and life has become complicated and the pace is fast. I know, my own daughter ( their Mum) remembers her little adventures as a child of that age , spent with her nana...........History repeats...........

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Friend.......Lucky, Lucky, Lucky

 This morning I recieved an e-mail from my dear friend who is travelling Europe for 12 months.... She is now in Budapest............. Oh, how I envy her... 1st , because this would be my dream and 2nd because she is following hers. . The only problem is, I am an earth person and have to be grounded for balance.... Oh, how I would love to be able to travel for 12 months, but I know, after 6-8 weeks anxiety would set in .. I need to be home..... I wish for that wanderlust but know in my heart my trip would have to be broken into short trips  to each country . For now I will have to be satisfied with my 3 week trip planned for March.... She has made such a brave choice to go for this long time. no security of work, a whole year away from her beautiful children , friends , family and everything familiar to her.      . We all say... "oh . lucky you" but I am sure there are days she would give anything to be safe at home surrounded by  the ones she loves..... So Jude, this is for you.... I send you love and hugs to keep you safe and warm on those lonely days when .I am sure , you wonder if  it is worth it..... AND    , we, all your friends, look forward to the book you should DEFINITELY write on your return..... May the angels watch over you and keep you safe ..............