Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the Rock Wall

I awoke this morning to rocks crashing and noisy machinery in my backyard... I have been on a mission since Boxing day last year to fix a faulty rockwall on the back of my home leading into the canal..It had collapsed forward and was very dangerous. As usual, dealing with high profile companies and the council it has taken 11 months to get done. ( and only after many , many letters and a TV appearance by me ) Now . of course, I am stressing ,because the young men helping  have NO RESPECT for my lovely garden and have completely.damaged my beautiful plants.. Oh well, as they say ,you have to make a mess first to make something beautiful ...eg., renovations.. I am sure you will agree. Unfortuneately I am of the type that lies awake all night thinking about  how I am going to fix it....... My grandson is probably the most excited,  he was very impressed by the "large digger" in the water and was trying to convince me to let him climb aboard.... What seems a nuisance to us  can be completely changed around in the eyes of a child..... We should not forget that.    Hopefully by Xmas all will be finished and my lovely garden will recover , I am sure.... Speaking of Xmas I think I will have to invite my 2 beautiful grandchildren over to decorate my tree with me..... It is almost that time and even though after they have gone, I redo all the trimmings., how could I not share that excitment with them... Miss Moo is such a fusser and everything has to be 'just right"... I wonder where she gets that from.?.Spunky Monkey is more excited about getting the lights flashing.... must be a boy thing.  I shall look forward to this shared time together and I will have to start thinking Xmas food and drinks with friends..... Another year has passed and in a blink we almost miss it..... I hope everyone takes time to be thankful for our healthy children and lovely family and friends , and make sure you say ;'I love you"  at least once every day to someone close to you.... we can get so caught up in our own little problems that sometimes we forget 3 little words can 'make someones day" when it comes from the heart. .

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